Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Layers of kindness


I usually head right to the seats at the back row when I get onto a bus. My rationale on my behaviour is that, I think it is more logical to allow the front seats to be occupied by the seniors, disabled and the ones with huge bellys. Another side of my brain argued, my behaviour was a mere deception to all. I chose to sit at the back row because I stand a 1% chance to give my seat up as these seniors wont really make the effort to walk all the way to the back row.

I wonder, am I the only one with the same thinking or which thought actually comes first?

Anyway, I was sitting very comfortably in the LRT yesterday, day-dreaming about something which I could not recall, a lady with a huge belly suddenly stood in front of me. She was expecting me to instantly get up, but it took me a few seconds more as I was day-dreaming. This lady pushed her belly nearer to me, leaving an inch gap from my face as a hint.

I gave my seat up for her, of course.

I wonder, do these 'privileged' people expect to get what they want, at times?
Btw, she did not take my seat as she found another seat nearer to the door.

Monday, June 22, 2009

My weekend


I seldom have the urge to watch movies in cinemas, unless its something superb like Harry Potter or Transformers which, accompanied by good sound effects, makes the movie more excellent.

Just last week, I watched 2 movies in GSC. After School and Drag me to hell, movies I wont really bother to watch in the first place. Due to their hard-core persistence and my longing to lay in a super cold auditorium, I gave in. Both movies turned out to having good twists in the end [me like].

Btw, in order to avoid crossing my limited entertainment budget, I think it is wiser for me to ask this around: Anyone, popping by Indonesia, who can help me purchase cheap DVDs - Departures, Slumdog Millionaire and Yip Man?

I managed to join the foodie bloggers outing round two this weekend, which we were chaffeured to somewhere at Batu Caves, shuffing fantastic wok hei huge prawn noodles and tender, succulent pork into our stomachs.

This post here, doesnt seem to have a somewhat conclusion or any discussion point. Hence, the title.

ZQ: Dejavu title?

Thursday, June 18, 2009



Uh Oh, I think I'm in trouble.

I was playing around with blog templates and I have no idea what I clicked and it turned out like this.

Sigh. Any 2 cents to offer on this? Or should I change my blog again?

Monday, June 8, 2009

Walking lesson


Ever since Sumathi brought us to Desa Parkcity for a relaxing stroll during the weekend, I had this resolve to bring Jojo out for a walk at the park too one day.

She's approximately 8 months old, and she has been forever cooped up in the apartment or her playpen. I was also told by Ellyn, when she met a poodle the other day, instead of making friends with the poodle, she growled and backed away from it. I think Jojo has difficulties in recognizing her own species, she probably thinks we, humans are her own species.

So, I started off yesterday by tying a leash to her neck and train her to walk in the enclosed living room. She and I struggled to walk as she couldn't stop biting that leash. We couldn't walk properly for a few minutes.

I could feel the tension building up gradually in me, until I exclaimed "stupid girl". Jojo gave me a shocked expression and started walking properly with a leash tied to her neck.

It took her 5 minutes to start walking properly for a few seconds only until she went again, biting the leash.

I concluded our 5-minute first lesson and resumed in my nerve-calming therapy - Grey's Anatomy.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Is there such thing as ghosts?


Its not even Hungry Ghost festival yet, however I have no idea why this ghost story-telling-session has been going on and on throughout this week. It first started with my new co-sharing colleague who shared his highway ghost stories, then followed by haunted houses, some “thing” staring at another colleague of mine from one corner in her previous office. My co-sharing boss also shared his hotel ghost stories which one of my colleagues even suggested us to knock everytime before we enter the room.

Everyone was fighting to stand a chance to share their personal encounter with that “thing”. Including me. My story scored the greatest hits so far, for being the scariest, the one that can make your bulu naik. One thing I noticed about everyone telling me, during their encounter with ghosts, which all of a sudden, everyone has a religion to rely on, they will be making their individual prayers or holding on to their prayer book to sort of ward off the "things" that are disturbing them.

[God Vs Ghosts] Of course, God wins.

I remembered creating stories when I was in primary five [I was really good in this] to win as much attention I could from my fellow peers. As far as I could recall, I once told them, when my mum was cooking, I saw a hand holding the spatula when my mum was busy searching for the salt. That story intrigued one parent to come up to me after school and ask whether I need a master to clear that bad “qi” in my house. I cut down in sharing ghost stories with my friends that instance, just in case their parents contact my parents on this.

At times, Jojo would stop playing and bark at nothing out of no reason. Could it be “something”? I have no idea. Speaking of Jojo, she cried in the middle of the night last night that led me in jumping out of my bed. The poor honey couldn’t sleep as my housemates forgot to switch off the lights. [It was too bright for her to sleep.]

So, are you afraid of the unseen realm?

Do share as I love to watch and listen to horror stories. Exorcist gets the top position in my must-watch list. :)