Friday, June 6, 2008

What Now?!


Whilst uncle, auntie, leng chai, leng lui etc. spent their free time complaining about the fuel hike, I was busy grumbling about the rise in the price of my favourite pork mee of Brickfields. RM4.50! It used to be RM4 only. What's happening to the economy nowadays? I am paying a higher price for a bowl of tougher-textured pork mee. *Shakes head from left to right 3 times*

Later, the strap of my slippers came off in the middle of the road. Great! Just what I need most today, walking on the streets of Brickfields bare-foot.
Then, today's wind was not strong at all, but I have no idea why my cheap-skate umbrella from Watson had to call it a day. Why la, of all days?!

Very much later, the hippos were busy digging their way into the KTM [as usual], I was very fortunate today to be able to grab a seat considering my slippers and umbrella gave up on me today. An Arabian-looking guy sat next to me. Before anyone could say anything, he started eating his food in the KTM.

Although there's a sign saying "Not allowed to eat & drink", I personally have no problem with people eating in the train. Perhaps without the words, "Fine $500", nobody in Malaysia here gives a damn about the rules, and that, is the ultimate difference between Malaysia and Singapore.

But, most importantly, why la why, of all things to eat, he had to eat corn in the cup. Thats the food I hate the most and it is because the smell that always triggers my vomit button. I was kinda gagging, but he did not get the hint and finished the whole thing happily.

Enough said. I've had enough for today.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Why-lah have to make things so difficult?


I hate it when problems arise. Challenging or no challenging.
At the point of encountering a problem, the problem, even though may not be the grandest scheme of things; may seem so huge that it occupies the whole of me.

Even if its just on thinking about how to reach that particular destination, it can disrupt my mood the whole day. No doubt I often play that certain self-pitying role "why me", as if the problems are so big when I actually cannot decide what to eat for dinner.

But this time, I really cannot help it.

Should I go or not go? or Where should I go?

I think I will pray to God tonight and see what He says.

Tokkok: Resa was really amazed when she finally got to know the secrets to stop hiccups. Non-hiccuper: What is the color of a banana? Hiccuper: Yellow. Hiccuper's hiccup ends.

Monday, June 2, 2008

I won't be a free person soon.


I'm leaving KL next week.
No worries. Its not for good.

After one month of half-heartedly job searching which I couldn't be bothered to edit my resume since the first time I created it and rejecting a job offer from KL, I found a job. in KL still.

Sigh. I have always wanted to work in Singapore.
Reason: Better security. More efficient. New environment.

I went to Singapore last week for the job interview. Without my certs, without my resume, which I carelessly left them in the bus. I got the job. But they want me in KL instead.

After my negotiations with them which I plead to them in a professional way of course to allow me to work in Singapore for a certain period before I get stationed in KL alone permanently, they agreed to welcome me to Singapore for the first 2 months. 2 months only!

Then, I have to pack my belongings again, go back to KL again and become a homeless person again.

Speaking of homeless, I was homeless yesterday, no longer living with the giant babies.
Thanks to Resa the cutest who lets me into her room for the time being.

Resa, whilst she brought me around last night, roaming the streets of SS15 for hours as we walked in a carefree manner, I just came to realize I really hated this phase of life.

Fresh grad/Unemployed/Wasting time period.

During the first few weeks of this period, i was enthusiastic to go here go there, meet this person meet that person, buy this buy that.

Everything comes to a limit in the end. The RM and luggage space.

So, now I wake up everyday to find myself facing the computer for hours stalking peoples' life, you-tubing and face-booking.

Is that how I am supposed to spend my moments of freedom? Should I be happy? I know I will be well scolded by people who are busy working their arses for their bosses everyday for not appreciating my freedom moments.

Oh well, what the heck?! I will be watching another episode of Grey's Anatomy now to kill time.

Tokkok: I have always wondered, what is this with people who took time off for months or even years to do nothing, a.k.a. to rediscover oneself? I will definitely become more suicidal.