Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Who's cleaner?


I was brought up to not sacrifice that 15 minutes of beauty sleep to take a morning shower. Unlike me, my friends especially from the West side of Malaysia love to bathe at least 2 to 3 times a day. Unfortunately, most of my hometown friends have been attacked by this bathing virus since they came over. I have always wondered why they love bathing so much as a hobby to the extent of accusing me as a dirty girl just because I bathe once a day.

They answered my curiosity today. They chose to wear their undergarments repeatedly rather than bathing once a day. How can you wear your undergarments 2 or 3 days in a row without washing them? This is simply illogical.

Same thing applies to my housemates. Does bathing twice or thrice a day in a slimy, dirty and dark bathroom make you much cleaner than me?